So I did exactly what I thought I would do...make a blog and then forget about it! Sorry for anyone that might actually read this! This year has been a very busy one! Jacob is getting big and is no longer a baby, but instead a very energetic little toddler. He is so much fun to be around. He is constantly trying to learn new things or say new words. He is also starting to run, which gives me a heart attack because he is also falling more! I can't believe that only a year ago he was a small baby and now he is this little boy who is so independent. Now, I can't lie, he can be frustrating at times! He now hates to cuddle or be held down in any way (especially during diaper changes!), he is ALWAYS on the go. He knows the word "no" and likes to say it but hates to mind it. I can't help but laugh though. I am one lucky and blessed parent.